Why Your Business Must Be Present On Social Media?

Business owners often neglect the power of social media. They have social media accounts, but there’s no activity on them.

If you are one of those business owners, I have some statistics to show to you.

  • LinkedIn has 740 million active users in 2021
  • Youtube hosts 2 billion users every month
  • Facebook has 2.80 billion monthly active users
  • Twitter hosts 192 million active users daily

There are a lot of other platforms which are growing at a rapid pace. Social media has an audience for every business, whether B2B, B2C, or any local business.

In a very short span of the existence of the internet, it has seen some of the most rapid changes. The internet has evolved from directories to search engines to social media now.

Social media brought a revolution that has taken over the world by storm.

In the early days of the internet, search engines used to be the go-to place to learn about anything.

Today, a person sitting in a village in India can groove to the music of the K-pop band BTS. A young boy can learn about business skills directly from top businessmen.

A plumber can vlog about his day on Youtube and find more clients while doing so.

But the question is…

Why has social media become a rage?

Humans require social validation and communication on a psychological level. Social media has solved that problem for free.

We have learned in history books that humans used to live in a tribe.

Social media has modern-day tribes. Every community on social media has leaders.

The best part is that there’s an abundance of every type of community on social media. Businesses have even bigger opportunities to crack even better deals on social media, if done right.

What is the need to have an active social media account?

Businesses run on relationships and retaining customers. Social media allows building both for almost free of cost. These platforms reward consistency.

If you stay regularly active on social media, you can build a robust database of potential prospects.

You can directly ask for feedback and suggestions. It can help you build strong professional relationships.

But do you know…

How to find your audience on social media?

Every social media platform has a USP, but they also have some common functionalities i.e. The Search Option.



And so on.

Just type the keyword related to your industry and shortlist communities, competitors, and big shots of the industry. Notice what they’re doing and do it better.

There’s no rocket science. It’s as simple as that.

Now that you are aware of the importance of presence on social media and how to do it. The most important part of the process is consistency.

You can never win on social media without consistency.

You can’t rely on your creative juices to give you something unique and creative every day. Everyone faces burnout or creativity block at some time.

Therefore you should know…

Why does your business need a long-term social media strategy?

A strong social media strategy provides you an upper edge over your competitors. Especially for small business owners. You can build a loyal audience in your city.

For, e.g., You are a dentist from New Delhi who wants new customers. But, you don’t want to spend money on expensive billboard ads.

Start posting oral health tips on social media. Build an audience and promote your services simultaneously.

In other words, small businesses can build a large audience of potential customers with the help of an effective social media strategy.

Social media helps your business in lead generation as well as building an online reputation.

You should create a solid social media strategy for your business. Along with that, you must have a social media calendar for better management.

You can create it for either 1 month, 3 months, or a yearly calendar.


Why do you need a social media calendar?

No plan, no gain!

You need to have goals and a roadmap to achieve them. If you post random content, you’ll end up with a lot of posts and a disloyal audience. A major benefit of creating a content calendar — You get clarity on your business goals.

Once you are done with the content calendar, you can focus on other business operations.

You can distribute the calendar into categories, such as;

  • Awareness
  • Promotional
  • Informational
  • Question & Answer

You can also try different formats such as videos, images, and gifs.

Build connections

To grow on social media, you must interact with other businesses and potential customers. If you have your content calendar ready, you get more time to interact with your audience and other businesses.

Become part of conversations with your targeted audience. There’s no better way to get feedback than a customer giving it in real-time.

Incorporate those insights to make your products or services better along with the content.

Become Consistent

As discussed earlier, consistency is a very underrated and most important factor of growth on social media.

The social media content calendar gives you the luxury to become consistent. Consistency brings the audience, and the audience brings sales.

It  establishes a business as one of the influencers on social media.

You never know when someone might come across your content and become your customer.

No creative block

Social media content creation is a creative field. It It is also a stressful job.When you are a creative individual, at some point, you feel out ideas which is known as creative block.

You don’t want to face that because it breaks the consistency pattern. Also, this is not good for the growth of your business.

Create a content calendar at the point when your creative juices are flowing through your body. It buys you enough time to proofread and audit your performance and results.

Far far away, vision.

While creating a content strategy, you must have a long-term vision. Once you upload something on the internet, it will be there almost till eternity.

Especially when you’re just starting out, focus on evergreen content. Evergreen content helps in building a loyal customer base.


Social media gives leverage to your business. There’s an audience for almost every business in the world. You just need guidance and the right strategy.

If you want the right strategy, book a 45 minutes consultation call with me and walkaway a foolproof content strategy for your business.

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